Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Taking the leap on Leap Day

If there's ever a day to do something wild and crazy (and potentially disastrous), why not choose a day that only comes around once every 4 years? Case in point: I have no idea what I was doing on February 29th, 2008. No idea.

And four years from now I probably won't remember most of the 87 things I did today. But hopefully I'll remember one thing--because I did something totally brave, completely scary, and highly rewarding (hopefully!!).

And I had no idea that today was, in some ways, the day to do such things (didn't realize it until someone mentioned it at choir tonight).

Anyways, this is a huge deal for me--for others it's second nature, but for me it's a big deal. And at this moment  I'm oh-so-proud-of-myself (and would prefer to not relive the scene in the bathroom where I'm giving myself a pep talk in the mirror and rehearsing my very basic line which includes handing over my cellphone number, asking if he's seeing anyone, and recommending we get together for dinner or something soon--and then running like heck).

The good news is that he said he was thinking the same thing (sigh of relief from me). And, later he texted and said I made his day (double-sigh of relief).

And so the adventure begins!

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