Sunday, August 15, 2010

Lets party like it's 1980!

This weekend we gathered as a family (the Kappes Clan and the Beachy's) to celebrate my brother's birthday (in the picture below, he's the big kid in the middle). My brother may be married, with two kids, a great wife, and a law degree, but I'll always be the big sister...which makes me both older, and wiser (though I'll let him help me fix my computer every now and again).

A good time was had by all, especially by those who took the opportunity to chill out in the pool.

Since Zach isn't in this picture, I can only guess that the splash is from his jump...

Ben was practicing his diving--looks great!

Carter was going free-form.

Josh, Jon and Halle enjoying some shade.

(I didn't take a picture of the ladies, but we were hanging out on the patio, sipping our homemade Mojitos--yummy!!)

The evening ended with lots of great food, and a small viewing party (for the Transformers two-disc blu-ray gift set that I gave him).

Happy Birthday Jon!!!


D.L. White said...

Looks like a fun time was had by all. Thanks for sharing! :)

Kristi said...

It's a blessing that so much of my family lives in the valley and that we can gather for celebrations such as this!